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Dr. Rosalien Jezeer

Economic and Ecological Systems in Shaded Coffee

Co-supervision: Dr. Pita Verweij (Utrecht U), Prof. Martin Junginger (Utrecht U), Prof. Rene Boot (Wageningen UR)

Dr. Scott Davidson

Upscaling methane fluxes in the Arctic Tundra

Co-supervision: Dr. Donatella Zona (SDSU)

MSc. Sergio Galaz-Segura

Farmers Rivalry or Collectivism? A livelihoods study from the Mixteca Alta, Mexico

Urbanization affecting Biotic homogenization? A look into the past in the California coastal area

MSc. Frans Erdem

Sustainability and tourism; a social en ecological network analysis in southern and eastern Spain

MSc. Brendy Batenburg

The Influence of Charcoal Production on the Forest Carbon Balance of Managed Oak Forests in Central Mexico

MSc. Jojanneke Voorhoeve

Effects of biodiversity-friendly agriculture on different taxa in Europe

MSc. Mascha Claessens

MSc. Alice Brignone

Interplays between biodiversity conservation and local development in high pasture dairy farming in protected areas. The case of the Lepontine Alps

MSc. Vera Praet

Wildlife richness and abundance across habitat types on the Utrecht University campus at the Uithof.

Development of a sustainability index for chocolate production: Tony's chocolonely

MSc. Vera Geling

Community Forest Management in India: An Assessment of External Agent Interventions on Forest Conservation

MSc. Mary-Ann George

Prediction of Tamarix spp. invasion by hyperspectral sensing of functional traits

MSc. Oliver Reader

MSc. Mariana Marques

Mesocarnivore site occupancy in cork oak landscapes: influence of management regimes

MSc. Wesley Malcorps

Research on the relationship between shrimp feed content and the availabilityand quality of resources

MSc. Annegreet Veeken

Using a trait-based approach to explain the effect of lake management on the biodiversity and ecosystem function of lake Ringsjön in Southern Sweden

MSc. Anne-Marie Melief

Linking Nitrogen Oxide Emissions and Future Urban Growth:How Present Day Policy Decisions Influence Future Emissions

MSc. Catarina Esgalhado

Traditional Systems in a Contemporary Context -Livelihoods, Biodiversity and Global Change in Portuguese Cork Oak Woodlands

Influence of Road Presence in Secondary Forest Regrowth in the Amazon

MSc. Isabel Trujillo-Rocha

Assessing the effects of increased summer flooding in an impounded mangrove with the use of remote sensing

MSc. Maartje Oostdijk

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